In regard of the truss for events,there are so many suppliers in China and all kinds of this products,
but just some ones can produce the sizes to be matched with Global truss,so their products are hot in the world.
But how to choose a good one?
First you need to know the company and their products well,such as the strength and workers and factory,
you know a small company and factory can not do the products well on quality.
RK lighting truss
RK lighting truss
Another,the truss needs good quality of material and welding.Good material of truss is aluminium 6082-T6,
that is the strongest now for truss.And good welding base on the workers.
A good worker need many years working experience and so can do this job well.then factory need to cost much salary.
You can get a result now that good truss are from big company and the prices can not be very cheap,
if you just want to save budget,then can not get the good quality,even can not get a safe project for events.
RK has a very big factory of truss and all the workers for welding have more than 5 years experience,
prices from RK is also very good,i think it is a good choice,no miss.