Different Ways to Delight Your Social Media Community & Audiences
日期: 2013-05-22 16:09 来源:未知 编辑: admin 浏览:
How to define Delight?what's Delight in your mind ?Some may think of a huge ice cream cone. But Delight is in the heart of the receiver. What delights me, won’t necessarily
delight you the same way. According to Dictionary, the word delight is defined as “to please someone greatly.” Notice the key word of “greatly.” Delight does not equal status
quo. It does not mean doing, writing, posting, tweeting, pinning, +1-ing the same exact thing every other business in your niche is doing. Have you ever thought about how you
can delight your audiences? When you are developing your marketing plans, tweet content for the day or week are you thinking about the positive impacts it can have on the
Let's do an analysis ,analysis we do have some common needs when it comes to being delighted.I may you how people ususlly need :
Feel loved
Feel needed
Be valued
Be Smart
Feel cared for
Be fulfilled
Not feel stupid
Feel emotion
Be inspired
Do you know how to delight your audiences now ? Make them feel something that feels unique to what other brands are blasting at them. To do this you must know who your audience is. You must know how to delight them. You must know what delights them. Do they care more about laughing, learning, being empowered, feeling smart, achieving a specific goal? What is it they really want? What is their end game?what they really need like Roof Truss Designs when your audiences wanna build a house.