Marketing on sales of truss,roof truss designs part one
日期: 2013-05-21 11:48 来源:未知 编辑: admin 浏览:
People may ask about how to do marketing on sales on roof truss designs ,or how to win customer to do Roof Truss Designs,so how can you do it ?and following i am gonna tell you more on sales marketing .Before that i am going to show you something special Roof Truss Designs of RK :
Why i wanna show our designs first,we konw that when we do selling ,we have to know our products or designs well. First step,analysis your designs ,check your Roof Truss Designs wheather its suit for your home or stage
Secondly ,know about your clients feed their need ,find their interest ,and there are lot of things we need to prepare .do a survay about your customer ,whtere they live ,famliy
members,when they shop .Love your client ,no matter what they say,listen and say thank you .
Tomorrow going to the second lesson .Lets expecting ....thank you for today