Before we build or design a Roof Truss and Truss System. we may have to analysis the Truss forms and following we gonna analyze from different aspects :
From the aspects of mechanics and analysis of truss shape bending moment diagram is similar to that of a simply supported beam, the bottom chord axial force
distribution is uniform, diagonal axial force is small, the materials the most provinces; Analysis from the material and manufacturing, wood made triangle
truss, steel truss of trapezoid or parallel chord shape, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete truss as polygon or trapezoid is advisable.
Truss the ratio of height and span, usually use 1/6 ~ 1/12, have specific provisions in the design manual and specification. Truss using range is very wide,
should be considered when choosing truss form the purpose of the truss, materials and supporting method, construction conditions, the principle of choosing
the best form is under the premise that meets the requirement, to materials and labor used in the manufacture and installation to the minimum.