We Rayk Global Trussproduced theActivities assembled truss stage canbewidely applied totheactivitiesofperformances, exhibitions,wedding, real estateopening.It is consist ofthebase of the original movableframeandstage plate,the general framework ofalloyandsteelasthemaincomponents,disassemblyis very sensitivefacilities,storagefacilities,andhas a small size ,Also easy to transportand some othercharacteristics.Thestage plateisa very importantpartofthesteelassembly stage,itsdirect impact ontheactivities of the Departmentof theload-bearing
Rayk Global Truss assembled stage
Ourassembledstage compare to thethetraditional stagethebiggest difference is that itis moresecured anddignifiedandelegant, its able to withstand theevil littlenatural environment.Than the traditionalinstallation, also the combination is more freedom, Andtransport fast,easystorage,will not be slowdue totransporthandling, easy tostorageanxiously.
Assembly stageisthetheAluminum trussassemblyupgraded version.Ittrussassembly,the main structureconsists of two parts,aframeworkforthestage plate.
In fact theeventoftenequippedwithcomprehensivefacilitiesto beautifyand improve thevariety of showing topics.Using assembly stageto maximizehis advantage.
Different manufacturers use different body structure we cant do more introduction now ,if you are interestedcanyougive meacall!Wewill