When it comes to portable stage system (advantages of consisting of modular, lightweight yet rugged platforms and collapsible risers), you must have known the stage brand "Smile" which is famous. "Smile" from RK provides the ultimate in portability and convenience.
Smile portable stage system
"Smile" stage systems can be set up in a wide variety of heights and configurations by a single person. Its sturdy and durable platforms are capable of bearing weight up to 185 lbs./sq. ft. (900 KGS/sq. meter) . RK "Smile" portable stages & risers are versatile, strong, easy to assemble modular aluminum stages designed for displays, concerts, bands, choirs, orchestras, shows...
Buy mobile stage from Smilestage, we also provide affordable stage platform, stage step, stages riser. RK factory price direct sale these products, contact Our experts for your solution today!